Temporary Tables in SQL Server
Temp Table:
1. Created in Temp database. Can treat as a normal table.
2. Can be accessible outside the batch.
-- check object is exists in tempdbIF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#emptemp') IS NOT NULLDROP TABLE #emptempCREATE TABLE #emptemp(empid int,ename varchar(50),address varchar(150))GO -- batch completedSELECT * FROM #emptempINSERT INTO #emptemp VALUES ( 1, 'Scott','Newyork');GO -- batch completedSELECT * FROM #emptemp
3. Temp tables involves in Transactions, Logging, and Locking.
4. Can create Indexes on Temp tables.
5. Temp tables cannot be passed as parameters to procedures and functions.
6. We can perform schema modification on the Temp table run time.
7. Two types of temporary tables.
7.1. Local Temporary Tables: available in the session where they created. scope of these tables terminates when the session created is closed. Can create the same table in multiple sessions with the same name.
empid int,
ename varchar(50),
address varchar(150)
7.2. Global Temporary Tables: available for all sessions and all users. Scope of these table ends when the global temp table created session ends.
for example:
in session1 we created the below table, this table can be accessible in other sessions. If session1 terminates, we can not access this global temp table.
CREATE TABLE ##emptemp
empid int,
ename varchar(50),
address varchar(150)
8. We cannot access local and global temporary tables in user-defined functions.
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